• Workplace/Domestic Settings
• Schools
• Facilities and Structures
Unique resource to identify individual motivation, intent,
knowledge, and means to carry out direct or implied threats. Assess
the potential for violent behavior and assign levels of risk to the
victims or targets of violent behavior.
Risk Management
Development of comprehensive safety plans and responsible personnel
deployments, including the ability to provide an armed presence to ensure personal safety, facility security, and
structure confidence.
Statement Content Analysis
• Interviews
• Confessions
• Statements
• Threat Communication
Minimize costly resources through analysis of written text and
verbal communication. Content analysis can identify coercion,
statement accuracy, and motivation for deception.
Facility Access Control
• Consultation
• Policy Development
• Training
Comprehensive evaluation and risk management for public and private
buildings and structures. Adopting federal standards, training
programs, provide screening procedures for walk-through, hand-held
metal detectors, personal property, and persons with special needs.
Specialized training in access awareness, weapon identification,
concealment tactics, and explosive identification.